With life being so busy and always go, go, go right now, it seems like we are always on a schedule and don't have the time to just sit down and enjoy the blessings in life. As a result, I've starting a new tradition with my boys. Friday's, since I don't have to work, will be lunch date day with my boys. Our first lunch date was kinda simple and impromptu at the grocery store cafe. We enjoyed some baked mac & cheese, drumsticks and pizza. The boys were great and received some great compliments from those cute older ladies enjoying their coffee.
I'm not sure what I'm going to do as a special treat with R. yet, but I'm sure I'll think of something.
After work on Saturday, I was surprise to come home to a semi clean house (thanks to our wonderful babysitter), an 8 year-old's room clean, a refreshed baby from a nap and a happy toddl2 year-old. So I called J and we meet up in the shopping district to go coat shopping. This did not go as planned. In our first store, everything seemed to be going well, until we stumbled onto the toy isle, in which we had a 2-year-old who wanted freedom out of the cart. After some public fighting, J decided to take the boys out to the car while I finished getting what we needed and checked out. When I headed to the car, I found an women standing at the entrance to the store, shocked and calling for her husband to "look at those kids in the van...!" This naturally caught my curiosity so I looked to see my boys climbing all over the drivers seat of my van. The next moment, this lady is running to my van, cellphone in hand ready to call the authorities, when the side door of the van pops open and J. sticks his head out. Now the lady is putting her phone away and laughing. She apparently thought our boys were in the van by themselves being allowed to climb over everything and cause panic to every passerby that witnessed this. Oy!...needless to say we went home and decided to venture back out the next day. which we did and got some great deals on coats for the kids, only after we had a wonderful family brunch! The best part though...after dropping $100+ on new coats...we have 60 degree weather this week! UGH!
Friday, November 5, 2010
Wednesday, November 3, 2010
It seems I've been in a time warp!
You can call off the search and rescue! Here I am...alive and well(finally!). This last month and a half has been filled to the brim of changes and the craziness that life throws at you.
The biggest change has most definitely been me doing something I have not done for about 2 years. Yep, I went back to work. This decision come after many discussions between J and I. On one hand, going back to work is added income, but after paying for a sitter when our shifts would double over, what's left doesn't add up to a whole lot. The winning benefit was me getting out of the house. Don't get me wrong, I love my kids with all my heart, but this momma needs some adult interaction and time for me to do something else.
I'm only away for 4 hours a day, but the difference has been seen all around. D. went through some adjustment and he pretty much broke my heart when I came home during the second week and he ran to the door and protested "Yay, me happy again...Mommy's home!" He's getting better with it now, but still calls the babysitter the "bad one", even though he doesn't want her to leave at the end of the day. J.J. adjusted much better than I might have imagined, and has been by far my biggest surprise. When the babysitter walks in the room, his face lights up and he's getting much better around people he doesn't know. R. is, well, R. and is going with the flow like always.
And me...The job is going well. It's not my "forever" job but it's getting me in the right direction. It's part-time and in the evening, something I'm not so sure about. But, overall, it's giving me experience and letting me get my foot in the door.
And now the fun part...
school picture time
We shall name his Ghost Boy...

Fall Fun

My Loves
The biggest change has most definitely been me doing something I have not done for about 2 years. Yep, I went back to work. This decision come after many discussions between J and I. On one hand, going back to work is added income, but after paying for a sitter when our shifts would double over, what's left doesn't add up to a whole lot. The winning benefit was me getting out of the house. Don't get me wrong, I love my kids with all my heart, but this momma needs some adult interaction and time for me to do something else.
I'm only away for 4 hours a day, but the difference has been seen all around. D. went through some adjustment and he pretty much broke my heart when I came home during the second week and he ran to the door and protested "Yay, me happy again...Mommy's home!" He's getting better with it now, but still calls the babysitter the "bad one", even though he doesn't want her to leave at the end of the day. J.J. adjusted much better than I might have imagined, and has been by far my biggest surprise. When the babysitter walks in the room, his face lights up and he's getting much better around people he doesn't know. R. is, well, R. and is going with the flow like always.
And me...The job is going well. It's not my "forever" job but it's getting me in the right direction. It's part-time and in the evening, something I'm not so sure about. But, overall, it's giving me experience and letting me get my foot in the door.
And now the fun part...
school picture time

We shall name his Ghost Boy...

Fall Fun

My Loves

Tuesday, September 14, 2010
Muffin Tin Meal
Thanks to a friend, The Island Mom, I have been introduced to Muffin Tin Meals. I decided to take a leap and try it out for lunch yesterday. This was a first attempted, and I was not quite as prepared as I would have liked to be, but overall I would call it a success.
I was worried how J.J. would do, as he has a tendency to throw his food, but other than the muffin paper cups and a few apple chunks, he did fairly well. D. really enjoyed this lunch experiment, and ate up his whole muffin tray.
If you have not hear about Muffin Tin Meals, check out the blog below and give it a try. It was a big hit at our house for both boys, and I have a feeling this will soon be a daily request.
Please note: Remember I was unprepared, therefore, do not have the nicest muffin tins. New tins are on the shopping list for next week. Also, while the wine bottles are empty, I promise no drinking was done when parental duties are required!

From left to right starting with the top row:
Half of a dinosaur shaped peanut butter sandwich, apple chunks, frosted animal crackers. More apple chunks, pretzel squares, and the the other half of the dinosaur peanut butter sandwich.
I was worried how J.J. would do, as he has a tendency to throw his food, but other than the muffin paper cups and a few apple chunks, he did fairly well. D. really enjoyed this lunch experiment, and ate up his whole muffin tray.
If you have not hear about Muffin Tin Meals, check out the blog below and give it a try. It was a big hit at our house for both boys, and I have a feeling this will soon be a daily request.
Please note: Remember I was unprepared, therefore, do not have the nicest muffin tins. New tins are on the shopping list for next week. Also, while the wine bottles are empty, I promise no drinking was done when parental duties are required!

From left to right starting with the top row:
Half of a dinosaur shaped peanut butter sandwich, apple chunks, frosted animal crackers. More apple chunks, pretzel squares, and the the other half of the dinosaur peanut butter sandwich.
Monday, September 13, 2010
This weekend we celebrated R's, 8th birthday. It's hard for me to believe she's getting so big already. Friday was her actual birthday, so after school we loaded up in the van and headed to the mall to get her ears pierced. When I was growing up, it was a family and tradition that 12 was the year of piercings. After much thought, and a lot of begging on R's end, we decided that she was old enough and responsible enough to take care of this right of passage.
She was nervous while we waited as the jeweler set up, but she never wavered from her decision to do it. When the moment come, she grabbed my hands, crinkled her face and squeezed. Then it was over. Not a tear or a flinch was made. I'm so proud of her.

Saturday it was time to celebrate...
Normally, we have a family cook-out style party with a few of R's friends there to enjoy the fun. This time we did it a little different. R had been asking for a sleepover...ICarly style. So, four 7 or 8 year old girls come over to eat spaghetti tacos, make sculptures and do some random dancing...complete with a pancake and bacon breakfast the next morning.
She was nervous while we waited as the jeweler set up, but she never wavered from her decision to do it. When the moment come, she grabbed my hands, crinkled her face and squeezed. Then it was over. Not a tear or a flinch was made. I'm so proud of her.

Saturday it was time to celebrate...
Normally, we have a family cook-out style party with a few of R's friends there to enjoy the fun. This time we did it a little different. R had been asking for a sleepover...ICarly style. So, four 7 or 8 year old girls come over to eat spaghetti tacos, make sculptures and do some random dancing...complete with a pancake and bacon breakfast the next morning.

Thursday, September 2, 2010
Project Bye Bye Paci
Today started project bye bye paci for both my boys. As a rule D, is only allowed to have it during nap/bedtime, while J.J. still has his at free will. But it's not working. D. will go lay in his bed as an excuse to have it, or more often then not, just steals J.J.'s. Nap time went well, but I kinda cheated as we were out shopping a little later than expected. I ended up giving J.J. his in the check out line and he fell asleep in the shopping cart within 2 minutes (and did fine with the cart to car seat and car seat to crib transfer). D. fell asleep in the car without his and went right back to sleep in his bed without asking for it.

Bedtime was a little harder. Right after baths, they get to play in there room for a bit while I clean up the bathroom mess, ect. D. started right away! I told him that they were all gone. This caused a 15 minutes scream/cry fit. I picked him up and set him in his bed and continued with our bedtime routine, ignoring his tantrum. Within 5 minutes of lights out, D. was sitting in his bed, crying and asking for his pacifier. Nope...I stayed strong. I did sneak J.J. his though. At this point, I believe he still needs it to sleep. I just reassured him that he was a big boy and reminded him he slept without it at nap time. The crying and asking continued, but not as loud and not as often. And guess what...I did it, I did it, I did it. It took an hour and a half, but I did it!
D. has been asking for a fish for the past week, so I think we may head to the pet store as a reward if naps go well tomorrow.

Bedtime was a little harder. Right after baths, they get to play in there room for a bit while I clean up the bathroom mess, ect. D. started right away! I told him that they were all gone. This caused a 15 minutes scream/cry fit. I picked him up and set him in his bed and continued with our bedtime routine, ignoring his tantrum. Within 5 minutes of lights out, D. was sitting in his bed, crying and asking for his pacifier. Nope...I stayed strong. I did sneak J.J. his though. At this point, I believe he still needs it to sleep. I just reassured him that he was a big boy and reminded him he slept without it at nap time. The crying and asking continued, but not as loud and not as often. And guess what...I did it, I did it, I did it. It took an hour and a half, but I did it!
D. has been asking for a fish for the past week, so I think we may head to the pet store as a reward if naps go well tomorrow.
Saturday, August 28, 2010
Top 7 moments of the week...
In no particular order...
1. Try to reason with a 2 year old who is currently in his car seat; you are of course driving; and he's having a total break down that there is a dead bee in his sock. Any attempt to explain there is no bee IN his sock is lost, much less conveying how unlikely this is to actually happen.
2. Picture this: Daddy comes home...plays peek-a-boo with J.J. in the window...J.J. climbs up Daddy's leg until picked up. Daddy takes pacifier out to ask for a kiss, sees a messy cookie face that was hidden, jokes no-way and 15 month old grabs Dadda's face and and gives a big wet cookie kiss! Melt my heart.
3. Have you ever tried to change the diaper of an very active 1 year old? Its like a trying to catch a fish out of water. Flip flopping in ever which way, stiff-as-a-board back so you can't get him in to position. He'd do anything to get free...as he crawls way bare bottomed. Sounds fun, uh? Now do this 5 times a day (at least) times 2!
4. Actually leaving the house, kid-less, with no specified time to to be back...having some one play with your hair...More Wine? Ha, Don't mind if I do! Yep, Got to have 2 hours to pamper myself with a hair cut, waxing (of eyebrows) and lots and lots of wine.
5. The much anticipated park opened this week. As we drove by to confirm rumors, all three kids got excited. As the van continues to drive by, I get a very very very upset 1 year old. I pull into the parking lot and the tears suddenly turn into claps and "Wow"s.
6. Arguing with an "almost" 8 year-old (because if I say she's 7, I'm wrong) that her red, white and blue dress does not go with the bright pink and silver striped leggings she thinks she should wear for the first day of school. And then hearing, in the same conversation, that I am too old to know about fashion these day. Nice!
7. Hearing the sweet, shrill voice yell "UP, Momma...Momma UP!" in your sleep...that is until you realized it's not a dream and there is a 2 year old standing beside your bed. This follows with a glance at the clock, only to discover that it's 3.30am. Yawn!
1. Try to reason with a 2 year old who is currently in his car seat; you are of course driving; and he's having a total break down that there is a dead bee in his sock. Any attempt to explain there is no bee IN his sock is lost, much less conveying how unlikely this is to actually happen.
2. Picture this: Daddy comes home...plays peek-a-boo with J.J. in the window...J.J. climbs up Daddy's leg until picked up. Daddy takes pacifier out to ask for a kiss, sees a messy cookie face that was hidden, jokes no-way and 15 month old grabs Dadda's face and and gives a big wet cookie kiss! Melt my heart.
3. Have you ever tried to change the diaper of an very active 1 year old? Its like a trying to catch a fish out of water. Flip flopping in ever which way, stiff-as-a-board back so you can't get him in to position. He'd do anything to get free...as he crawls way bare bottomed. Sounds fun, uh? Now do this 5 times a day (at least) times 2!
4. Actually leaving the house, kid-less, with no specified time to to be back...having some one play with your hair...More Wine? Ha, Don't mind if I do! Yep, Got to have 2 hours to pamper myself with a hair cut, waxing (of eyebrows) and lots and lots of wine.
5. The much anticipated park opened this week. As we drove by to confirm rumors, all three kids got excited. As the van continues to drive by, I get a very very very upset 1 year old. I pull into the parking lot and the tears suddenly turn into claps and "Wow"s.
6. Arguing with an "almost" 8 year-old (because if I say she's 7, I'm wrong) that her red, white and blue dress does not go with the bright pink and silver striped leggings she thinks she should wear for the first day of school. And then hearing, in the same conversation, that I am too old to know about fashion these day. Nice!
7. Hearing the sweet, shrill voice yell "UP, Momma...Momma UP!" in your sleep...that is until you realized it's not a dream and there is a 2 year old standing beside your bed. This follows with a glance at the clock, only to discover that it's 3.30am. Yawn!
Wednesday, August 25, 2010
Back to school
The last week as gone by so fast...with a lot jam packed in. We had weddings, school shopping, birthday parties, a bruised knee, play dates and a dislocated shoulder.
We spent the majority of last week getting back into a school routine, which is not easily done with a almost 8 year old. The result: A very hectic first morning of school, complete with fashion lesson. She just wouldn't get up! R., was sent to bed around 9 last night, a half an hour later than last year, but still at least 2 hours earlier than she had been going to bed during vacation. She came stairs at 11.20 because she couldn't sleep and after some negotiations, she was tucked in again by 11.30.

J. and I are both suffering form injuries. I swear we are walking around the house like we are 90 years old. My occurred while walking in the store to get a gift bag for a birthday party, because of course, I forgot to get this when we bought the gift. As it always is, I had my hands full...holding D.'s hand and carrying J.J. We made it through the first set of doors and slipped on the wet floor, twisting my hip/thigh and landing on my knee...all while still keeping hold of J.J.

Of course, As I was consoling myself over my injury, I received a phone call from J. has he was heading back from a mountain bike trip in Pittsburgh. He was complaining that he fell and hurt his shoulder. Now, normally, I take his injury complaints with a grain of salt...he tends to over exaggerate and milk them for all they are worth. But when he got home, I knew right away that his shoulder didn't look right. After a ER visit, it was confirmed that he dislocated his shoulder. So, now I have a husband out of commission (lifting babies is NOT allowed) as I hobble around the house being super mom.
Needless to say, our last week had put us all in quite a funk...and there is now better was to lift the a funk filled house than with a sweet smell of baking. We did ice cream cone cupcakes and the kids helped me with the frosting of course. Though, as an after thought, next time I'm going to give them all away so I don't eat them all!

Then, as we were coming home from my mom's(Pamama), we took a quick detour to see if the playground was finished yet. After 2 months, they finally took the yellow caution tape down and we were allowed to play! We have been anticipation this all summer as very kid friendly. The old one is not baby friendly, though D. does very well. J.J. is just to small. The new one however, is an "all ages" play heaven complete with a train whistle, which is D.'s favorite. J.J. got very upset when he thought we were just driving by and then started clapping when we pulled into the parking lot. We are headed there this morning, and I'm going to try and get some pictures, of what I'm sure will be a daily visit.
And just because they are so darn cute!
We spent the majority of last week getting back into a school routine, which is not easily done with a almost 8 year old. The result: A very hectic first morning of school, complete with fashion lesson. She just wouldn't get up! R., was sent to bed around 9 last night, a half an hour later than last year, but still at least 2 hours earlier than she had been going to bed during vacation. She came stairs at 11.20 because she couldn't sleep and after some negotiations, she was tucked in again by 11.30.

J. and I are both suffering form injuries. I swear we are walking around the house like we are 90 years old. My occurred while walking in the store to get a gift bag for a birthday party, because of course, I forgot to get this when we bought the gift. As it always is, I had my hands full...holding D.'s hand and carrying J.J. We made it through the first set of doors and slipped on the wet floor, twisting my hip/thigh and landing on my knee...all while still keeping hold of J.J.

Of course, As I was consoling myself over my injury, I received a phone call from J. has he was heading back from a mountain bike trip in Pittsburgh. He was complaining that he fell and hurt his shoulder. Now, normally, I take his injury complaints with a grain of salt...he tends to over exaggerate and milk them for all they are worth. But when he got home, I knew right away that his shoulder didn't look right. After a ER visit, it was confirmed that he dislocated his shoulder. So, now I have a husband out of commission (lifting babies is NOT allowed) as I hobble around the house being super mom.
Needless to say, our last week had put us all in quite a funk...and there is now better was to lift the a funk filled house than with a sweet smell of baking. We did ice cream cone cupcakes and the kids helped me with the frosting of course. Though, as an after thought, next time I'm going to give them all away so I don't eat them all!

Then, as we were coming home from my mom's(Pamama), we took a quick detour to see if the playground was finished yet. After 2 months, they finally took the yellow caution tape down and we were allowed to play! We have been anticipation this all summer as very kid friendly. The old one is not baby friendly, though D. does very well. J.J. is just to small. The new one however, is an "all ages" play heaven complete with a train whistle, which is D.'s favorite. J.J. got very upset when he thought we were just driving by and then started clapping when we pulled into the parking lot. We are headed there this morning, and I'm going to try and get some pictures, of what I'm sure will be a daily visit.
And just because they are so darn cute!

Friday, August 13, 2010
Chunky monkey
I was looking at old pictures last night (getting ready print and frame some more recent ones of the kids) and I came across a few of J.J that really shows how much of a chunky monkey he was.

He's really slimmed down since he has been moving and grooving. Yesterday, I walked out of the kitchen to find that he had slid the dining room chair out, climbed on it and was sitting on the table. Oh, boy! He's just getting so big!

He's really slimmed down since he has been moving and grooving. Yesterday, I walked out of the kitchen to find that he had slid the dining room chair out, climbed on it and was sitting on the table. Oh, boy! He's just getting so big!
Tuesday, August 10, 2010
WOW! I can't believe it's almost been two weeks since I posted anything...
Let's see, We had my sister's graduation party here at the house on August 1st, so a lot of prep went into that. I can now consider myself a semi-pro gardener. We did a massive amount of weeding the back yard, and I finally got some flowers in what had been a dirt filled flower bed. I'm hoping to post pictures in the next couple of days.
The party went really well. We had many friends and family to share in the celebrations. We served ribs, my dad's famous macaroni salad (and guess who got the secret recipe?!), and corn on the cob. Some good 'ol picnic food. The biggest hit for the kids was the bounce house, provided courtesy of my sister's boss and R's gymnastics coach!

My birthday was last week too! One of my best friends offered to babysit so that J. and I could go out and do something. We decided to see a movie after we had some cake and ice cream with my parents. We went to see INCEPTION...and if you have not seen it yet, I highly recommend it. It's has the visual effects of the Matrix and an awesome, complex story line. Plus, Leonardo DiCaprio is the main character, and the love I had for him in high school is still strong, not to mention he is an A+ actor.
Speaking of my birthday, my birthday present for J. finally came today (backorder) and I'm so excited. If you read along, you will know I'm a Driod nerd, as my loving brother in law has puts it. This is what J. got me and I couldn't be happier!

We also had a day trip on Friday, but I'm saving the details for the next blog. I hope to get one that later in the week. In addition to a full on terrible two toddler, a attitude filled 7 year old and a teething baby...I'm surprised I'm still kicking!
Let's see, We had my sister's graduation party here at the house on August 1st, so a lot of prep went into that. I can now consider myself a semi-pro gardener. We did a massive amount of weeding the back yard, and I finally got some flowers in what had been a dirt filled flower bed. I'm hoping to post pictures in the next couple of days.
The party went really well. We had many friends and family to share in the celebrations. We served ribs, my dad's famous macaroni salad (and guess who got the secret recipe?!), and corn on the cob. Some good 'ol picnic food. The biggest hit for the kids was the bounce house, provided courtesy of my sister's boss and R's gymnastics coach!

My birthday was last week too! One of my best friends offered to babysit so that J. and I could go out and do something. We decided to see a movie after we had some cake and ice cream with my parents. We went to see INCEPTION...and if you have not seen it yet, I highly recommend it. It's has the visual effects of the Matrix and an awesome, complex story line. Plus, Leonardo DiCaprio is the main character, and the love I had for him in high school is still strong, not to mention he is an A+ actor.
Speaking of my birthday, my birthday present for J. finally came today (backorder) and I'm so excited. If you read along, you will know I'm a Driod nerd, as my loving brother in law has puts it. This is what J. got me and I couldn't be happier!

We also had a day trip on Friday, but I'm saving the details for the next blog. I hope to get one that later in the week. In addition to a full on terrible two toddler, a attitude filled 7 year old and a teething baby...I'm surprised I'm still kicking!
Friday, July 30, 2010
Fed-ex fail
Question: Fed-ex comes to your door to deliver a package, you had no idea was coming. Do you look at who the package is addressed to, or just sign for it and take it?
For me, I would at least make sure it's delivered to the correct address, just to be sure I don't have a hassle on my hands later, if nothing else.
Why do I ask? Well, J., was expecting his replacement cellphone yesterday and it was to be delivered through Fed-ex. J, being excited about his new phone, had called me 3 times already asking if his package had arrived yet...NOPE. The next call was around 3.30pm. When I told him it hadn't come, he asked me why I was messing with him. Through the company's tracking, his package had been delivered and was signed for by my initials. Nope, Fed-ex was never here, no package was delivered and I did not sign for anything.
The hunt began...calls to Fed-ex, calls to the cellphone company and even 2 calls to the police station were made. The driver who delivered the package finally was ordered to go back to the house where he delivered the package. Turns out he got the street right...but not the house number, not by 3 blocks. The next step, I would think, would be for the driver to get the package back and take it to the right place...NOPE! I was told I had to go get it.
And here is the kicker...The girl who signed for the package has the same first name initial...the driver just assumed (without looking) that the last name was the same. No verification was made, even though, when the order was placed, we opted to have MY signature required. Way to go Fed-ex driver...way to go!
Luckily, everything worked out in the end...we got our package, unopened and unharmed...But of course, not what I had planned for my afternoon!
And just because, after that long story, we need a smile...
This was taken last weekend when we went for a walk along the bay at Liberty park.

This is from our latest trip to the zoo(when daddy could go to). My favorite park of the whole trip!
For me, I would at least make sure it's delivered to the correct address, just to be sure I don't have a hassle on my hands later, if nothing else.
Why do I ask? Well, J., was expecting his replacement cellphone yesterday and it was to be delivered through Fed-ex. J, being excited about his new phone, had called me 3 times already asking if his package had arrived yet...NOPE. The next call was around 3.30pm. When I told him it hadn't come, he asked me why I was messing with him. Through the company's tracking, his package had been delivered and was signed for by my initials. Nope, Fed-ex was never here, no package was delivered and I did not sign for anything.
The hunt began...calls to Fed-ex, calls to the cellphone company and even 2 calls to the police station were made. The driver who delivered the package finally was ordered to go back to the house where he delivered the package. Turns out he got the street right...but not the house number, not by 3 blocks. The next step, I would think, would be for the driver to get the package back and take it to the right place...NOPE! I was told I had to go get it.
And here is the kicker...The girl who signed for the package has the same first name initial...the driver just assumed (without looking) that the last name was the same. No verification was made, even though, when the order was placed, we opted to have MY signature required. Way to go Fed-ex driver...way to go!
Luckily, everything worked out in the end...we got our package, unopened and unharmed...But of course, not what I had planned for my afternoon!
And just because, after that long story, we need a smile...
This was taken last weekend when we went for a walk along the bay at Liberty park.

This is from our latest trip to the zoo(when daddy could go to). My favorite park of the whole trip!

Friday, July 23, 2010
Picture Fun
Sunday, July 11, 2010
10 years ago...I said good bye to some great friends, promised I'd keep in touch with others and was happy to never have to see some people ever again.
9 years ago...I had my first full time job, attended college, met the man I would call my husband, and said goodbye to some more friends as we all moved away and on with life.
8 years ago...Wore a white dress, a beautiful bouquet of flowers and walked down the isle as I said goodbye to single life and married my best friend.
7 years ago...I gained 30+ lbs., developed cankles, and found a new purpose in life as I had my blue eyed baby girl.
6 years ago...I received my first promotion at work and chased around a blond haired princess as she became steady on her feet.
5 year ago...Said goodbye to more friends as my life was about ABC's and theirs was about bars, fashion and guys.
4 year ago...I had a major job and life change. All teaching me life lessons that I try to remember daily.
3 year ago...I once again said goodbye to some friends, as I learned that I love life just the way it is. I also enjoyed learning things from my daughter as I was teaching her at the same time.
2 year ago...I learned that I could that I could love 2 children equally, and that the love a family has for each other is a powerful thing.
1 year ago...I became a stay at home mommy, as I had my new baby boy. Life changed again, as I went from a mom of two to a mom of three is just a year.
Yesterday...was my 10 year high school reunion. Some people changed, some people didn't. And everyone went down different paths.
This was my path. And, although, this may not have been where I pictured it, I truly do love my life. I enjoy the kids songs, movies and stories. Getting the sloppy wet kisses and bear hugs, the crooked candy dish made in school, even the 2.30am knee in the back as a child crawls into bed with me. Do I regret the choices I've made...no. I try my best to learn from the mistakes I've made and move forward. Here 's to the next 10 years...and to what may happen!
"Your on your own. And you know what you know. And YOU are the guy who'll decide where you go!"
~ Dr. Seuss
9 years ago...I had my first full time job, attended college, met the man I would call my husband, and said goodbye to some more friends as we all moved away and on with life.
8 years ago...Wore a white dress, a beautiful bouquet of flowers and walked down the isle as I said goodbye to single life and married my best friend.
7 years ago...I gained 30+ lbs., developed cankles, and found a new purpose in life as I had my blue eyed baby girl.
6 years ago...I received my first promotion at work and chased around a blond haired princess as she became steady on her feet.
5 year ago...Said goodbye to more friends as my life was about ABC's and theirs was about bars, fashion and guys.
4 year ago...I had a major job and life change. All teaching me life lessons that I try to remember daily.
3 year ago...I once again said goodbye to some friends, as I learned that I love life just the way it is. I also enjoyed learning things from my daughter as I was teaching her at the same time.
2 year ago...I learned that I could that I could love 2 children equally, and that the love a family has for each other is a powerful thing.
1 year ago...I became a stay at home mommy, as I had my new baby boy. Life changed again, as I went from a mom of two to a mom of three is just a year.
Yesterday...was my 10 year high school reunion. Some people changed, some people didn't. And everyone went down different paths.
This was my path. And, although, this may not have been where I pictured it, I truly do love my life. I enjoy the kids songs, movies and stories. Getting the sloppy wet kisses and bear hugs, the crooked candy dish made in school, even the 2.30am knee in the back as a child crawls into bed with me. Do I regret the choices I've made...no. I try my best to learn from the mistakes I've made and move forward. Here 's to the next 10 years...and to what may happen!
"Your on your own. And you know what you know. And YOU are the guy who'll decide where you go!"
~ Dr. Seuss
Saturday, July 10, 2010
Heat Wave
In about 6 months you will here my woe is me's of the winter months. The never ending fall of that white stuff from the sky, so high it comes past my knees. The hour gear up it takes to get the kids ready to walk outside, the horrid road travel. In Northwestern PA, we get it hard. And it's not something I care for...
But for now, we are basking in the sun...the hot sun. The last week, we have been dealing with a heat wave accompanied by extreme humidity. Inside is hot...outside is out! But we have been surviving with some water fun...
J. J. is in love with the hose...little stinker will not leave it alone. D., well, he just wants to dump water on EVERYONE!

But for now, we are basking in the sun...the hot sun. The last week, we have been dealing with a heat wave accompanied by extreme humidity. Inside is hot...outside is out! But we have been surviving with some water fun...
J. J. is in love with the hose...little stinker will not leave it alone. D., well, he just wants to dump water on EVERYONE!

Wednesday, July 7, 2010
Quench your thirst!
I've been experimenting with different beverages for the house. J. is a Pepsi lover...and if you ask me a 2 litter a day is to much. I try not to give the kids pop, or soda for some. R. is allowed one small glass a day if she asks. I always so no to D., although, J. usually give in.
When I do grocery shopping, I grab a big jug of juice, usually apple and which ever is on sale. But it usually does not last the 2 weeks it needs to. I don't like juice boxes. They are a waste and make a mess. Koo laid mixes have to much sugar, although I have found that Wal-mart mix to have the lowest. So that's what we do for the kids.
But, I'm not a juice/koolaid drinker. I prefer teas and coffee...and I think I found the PERFECT homemade ice tea recipe. Check out this link below and experiment with the how many tea bags and how much sugar. I do 8 tea bags and 1.5 cup of sugar. I like it sweet! I have not tried using honey as a replacement of sugar yet, but plan on doing so soon.
I buy the store brand, like the original article states, usually Wal-mart. The best part...it's super easy to make and cheap cheap cheap! I hope you enjoy!
When I do grocery shopping, I grab a big jug of juice, usually apple and which ever is on sale. But it usually does not last the 2 weeks it needs to. I don't like juice boxes. They are a waste and make a mess. Koo laid mixes have to much sugar, although I have found that Wal-mart mix to have the lowest. So that's what we do for the kids.
But, I'm not a juice/koolaid drinker. I prefer teas and coffee...and I think I found the PERFECT homemade ice tea recipe. Check out this link below and experiment with the how many tea bags and how much sugar. I do 8 tea bags and 1.5 cup of sugar. I like it sweet! I have not tried using honey as a replacement of sugar yet, but plan on doing so soon.
I buy the store brand, like the original article states, usually Wal-mart. The best part...it's super easy to make and cheap cheap cheap! I hope you enjoy!
Saturday, July 3, 2010
America's birthday; Part I
July 3rd has always held significant meaning at our house...It's Daddy's birthday! And that's a holiday in itself around here.
This year was a little different. First, J had to work a short shift...and then of course get his mountain bike fill for the week. And since America's birthday falls on a Sunday this year the city's usual festivities took place today.
My parent's live right on the parade route, so traditionally we go watch, right out front amid the candy throwing, motorcycling and siren blowing. We woke up early this morning and headed out. I was pleasantly surprised that rain was not in the forecast, as it seems to go with the holiday around here. So we loaded up on the sun block, put our sunglasses and firework shirts and found our seats in Pamama's front yard.
It always starts with a cannon bang, which J. J. absolutely did not care for...wonderful start, eh?! He did, however, love dancing to the beat of the marching bands and other floats accompanied by music. Next up was a gigantic monster truck...guess who was a fan? This, along with the firetrucks, big-wheeled jeeps and motorcycles, dogs and skaters where a hit with D. R., she just loved the candy and seeing some of her friends, not only sitting with us, but in the parade.
Here are some pictures that got the biggest "ohhh" out of D...which of course, willl make J. very very proud.

D., and his Mada.

And, of course my favorite float of the parade.

"Brought to you Courtesy of the Red White and Blue"
This year was a little different. First, J had to work a short shift...and then of course get his mountain bike fill for the week. And since America's birthday falls on a Sunday this year the city's usual festivities took place today.
My parent's live right on the parade route, so traditionally we go watch, right out front amid the candy throwing, motorcycling and siren blowing. We woke up early this morning and headed out. I was pleasantly surprised that rain was not in the forecast, as it seems to go with the holiday around here. So we loaded up on the sun block, put our sunglasses and firework shirts and found our seats in Pamama's front yard.
It always starts with a cannon bang, which J. J. absolutely did not care for...wonderful start, eh?! He did, however, love dancing to the beat of the marching bands and other floats accompanied by music. Next up was a gigantic monster truck...guess who was a fan? This, along with the firetrucks, big-wheeled jeeps and motorcycles, dogs and skaters where a hit with D. R., she just loved the candy and seeing some of her friends, not only sitting with us, but in the parade.
Here are some pictures that got the biggest "ohhh" out of D...which of course, willl make J. very very proud.

D., and his Mada.

And, of course my favorite float of the parade.

"Brought to you Courtesy of the Red White and Blue"
A Hike in the Woods
At least once a week, J goes off into the woods and does his mountain biking thing. The kids are always wanting to tag along, but it's a dangerous adult hobby, and they just can't go. Plus, I highly doubt they would last the 2+ hour bike ride down some crazy hills, wicked jumps and mega climbs(all J's wording of course)!
We did however, decide to take in some of the other recreational activities that Asbury Woods has to offer and took a nice hike in the woods. We stayed on the main trail and got to see nature at it's best, including the big maple tree, Buttermilk Falls, and some pretty cool critters.
We, of course forgot the camera, so we pulled out the old Droid. Some of the lighting is a little off..

What's a hike without a walking stick? R. started this, but D., of course, quickly followed suit. Honestly, it made the hike a little harder as he had to pick up every stick he saw.

R. and her big cheese grin as she takes a rest under the big maple.

Once of the activities the adjoining nature center has is the Maple Fest in the fall. They teach the kids how to identify maple trees, the history of syrup production and of course offer samples. Here is a picture of the "Big Maple".

J. and J.J. checking out Walnut Creek. FYI- J.J., did not enjoy the how cold the water was!

D. has a small obsession right now with flowers. He LOVES them. Whether they are dandelions, roses from my bushes in the front yard, or wild...he sees them, they are in his hands.

"In the woods we return to reason and faith."
Ralph Waldo Emerson
We did however, decide to take in some of the other recreational activities that Asbury Woods has to offer and took a nice hike in the woods. We stayed on the main trail and got to see nature at it's best, including the big maple tree, Buttermilk Falls, and some pretty cool critters.
We, of course forgot the camera, so we pulled out the old Droid. Some of the lighting is a little off..

What's a hike without a walking stick? R. started this, but D., of course, quickly followed suit. Honestly, it made the hike a little harder as he had to pick up every stick he saw.

R. and her big cheese grin as she takes a rest under the big maple.

Once of the activities the adjoining nature center has is the Maple Fest in the fall. They teach the kids how to identify maple trees, the history of syrup production and of course offer samples. Here is a picture of the "Big Maple".

J. and J.J. checking out Walnut Creek. FYI- J.J., did not enjoy the how cold the water was!

D. has a small obsession right now with flowers. He LOVES them. Whether they are dandelions, roses from my bushes in the front yard, or wild...he sees them, they are in his hands.

"In the woods we return to reason and faith."
Ralph Waldo Emerson
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