Let's see, We had my sister's graduation party here at the house on August 1st, so a lot of prep went into that. I can now consider myself a semi-pro gardener. We did a massive amount of weeding the back yard, and I finally got some flowers in what had been a dirt filled flower bed. I'm hoping to post pictures in the next couple of days.
The party went really well. We had many friends and family to share in the celebrations. We served ribs, my dad's famous macaroni salad (and guess who got the secret recipe?!), and corn on the cob. Some good 'ol picnic food. The biggest hit for the kids was the bounce house, provided courtesy of my sister's boss and R's gymnastics coach!

My birthday was last week too! One of my best friends offered to babysit so that J. and I could go out and do something. We decided to see a movie after we had some cake and ice cream with my parents. We went to see INCEPTION...and if you have not seen it yet, I highly recommend it. It's has the visual effects of the Matrix and an awesome, complex story line. Plus, Leonardo DiCaprio is the main character, and the love I had for him in high school is still strong, not to mention he is an A+ actor.
Speaking of my birthday, my birthday present for J. finally came today (backorder) and I'm so excited. If you read along, you will know I'm a Driod nerd, as my loving brother in law has puts it. This is what J. got me and I couldn't be happier!

We also had a day trip on Friday, but I'm saving the details for the next blog. I hope to get one that later in the week. In addition to a full on terrible two toddler, a attitude filled 7 year old and a teething baby...I'm surprised I'm still kicking!
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