I was worried how J.J. would do, as he has a tendency to throw his food, but other than the muffin paper cups and a few apple chunks, he did fairly well. D. really enjoyed this lunch experiment, and ate up his whole muffin tray.
If you have not hear about Muffin Tin Meals, check out the blog below and give it a try. It was a big hit at our house for both boys, and I have a feeling this will soon be a daily request.
Please note: Remember I was unprepared, therefore, do not have the nicest muffin tins. New tins are on the shopping list for next week. Also, while the wine bottles are empty, I promise no drinking was done when parental duties are required!

From left to right starting with the top row:
Half of a dinosaur shaped peanut butter sandwich, apple chunks, frosted animal crackers. More apple chunks, pretzel squares, and the the other half of the dinosaur peanut butter sandwich.
Yay!!!! I hooked someone else, too!