D: The Dinosaur

Oh, D...what can I say. He's a handful! He's in the terrible two stage, which are indeed terrible some days...others, not so much. He's obsessed with Truckas (trucks) and guns, but deathly afraid of bugs. We are struggling with his vocab...as he refuses to talk. He communicates well...by showing us what he wants and using the few words he has. I'm a worry-wart about the subject, but everyone else in his life keeps telling me he's smart and will get it.

June Update:
D. and I continue to have a battle of wits.  I'll ask him to quiet down and he shhh's me; I tell him not to hit his brother or sister and he hits me...The list goes on.  Don't get me wrong, he's not all bad.  He still can melt my heart with his big neck squeeze!  I'm just hoping that it's a terrible 2 stage and he will outgrow it.  He is getting better with his bug fear as we made a new Dead Bug game...he swats the bug with a shoe and he's fine! His vocab is getting better as well...slowly but surely.   But it seems that as soon as he picks up a new word, he loses another one.