R: R is a girl after my own heart. She loves to be the center of attention, whether it be singing, drama or trying to fill the comedic roll of the house. She's in 1st grade and is involved in daisies...patiently waiting her bridging ceremony to brownies next week. She's a helper...my BIG helper and is very sensitive. She want everyone to like her (which is easy) and gets heartbroken at the thought of someone being mad at her...Basically she's a pleasure.
School is done and I now have a future 2nd grader on my hands as well as a full fledged Brownie! She has been a busy busy girl this summer playing with all her friends, whether it be the new neighbor girls across the street, at the beach with her aunts or the many play dates/sleepovers. She's growing up to fast and I don't like it. Just today, she asked me if she could dye her hair. "What color?", I ask. Her choices...Purple or orange! I'm not looking forward to the near future with this one!