I go to the bottom of the stairs, "Morning bud! How did you sleep?"
One track mind D, points to him stomach and says, "Kurur! Hear that Mamay, here that."
"Yes, what was that?"
"That's my belly growling Mamay...my belly's hungry!"
It's those moments when your smile slowly creeps up your face that every parent lives for. When you want nothing more than to scoop up your child in your arms and squeeze them until they pop (not literally of course!). That keep me going every day.
Earlier in the week, J was planning on grabbing some wings with some of his work buddies after hours and forgot his change of clothes on the dinning room table. The boys and I were headed out of the house for the day so we were going to drop them off to daddy. As I'm handing J his jeans and shirt, D asks a great question, "Why does Daddy need need new clothes". Before I could explain that Daddy needed them for after work, my sweet little guy came up with his own answer..."Daddy pee in his pants?". I swear, I don't think I laughed so hard all day. And, to a almost 3-year-old whose getting the potty training do's and dont's shoved down his throat, it makes sense, right?!
And pictures of my little comedian:

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