For me, I would at least make sure it's delivered to the correct address, just to be sure I don't have a hassle on my hands later, if nothing else.
Why do I ask? Well, J., was expecting his replacement cellphone yesterday and it was to be delivered through Fed-ex. J, being excited about his new phone, had called me 3 times already asking if his package had arrived yet...NOPE. The next call was around 3.30pm. When I told him it hadn't come, he asked me why I was messing with him. Through the company's tracking, his package had been delivered and was signed for by my initials. Nope, Fed-ex was never here, no package was delivered and I did not sign for anything.
The hunt began...calls to Fed-ex, calls to the cellphone company and even 2 calls to the police station were made. The driver who delivered the package finally was ordered to go back to the house where he delivered the package. Turns out he got the street right...but not the house number, not by 3 blocks. The next step, I would think, would be for the driver to get the package back and take it to the right place...NOPE! I was told I had to go get it.
And here is the kicker...The girl who signed for the package has the same first name initial...the driver just assumed (without looking) that the last name was the same. No verification was made, even though, when the order was placed, we opted to have MY signature required. Way to go Fed-ex driver...way to go!
Luckily, everything worked out in the end...we got our package, unopened and unharmed...But of course, not what I had planned for my afternoon!
And just because, after that long story, we need a smile...
This was taken last weekend when we went for a walk along the bay at Liberty park.

This is from our latest trip to the zoo(when daddy could go to). My favorite park of the whole trip!