In no particular order...
1. Try to reason with a 2 year old who is currently in his car seat; you are of course driving; and he's having a total break down that there is a dead bee in his sock. Any attempt to explain there is no bee IN his sock is lost, much less conveying how unlikely this is to actually happen.
2. Picture this: Daddy comes home...plays peek-a-boo with J.J. in the window...J.J. climbs up Daddy's leg until picked up. Daddy takes pacifier out to ask for a kiss, sees a messy cookie face that was hidden, jokes no-way and 15 month old grabs Dadda's face and and gives a big wet cookie kiss! Melt my heart.
3. Have you ever tried to change the diaper of an very active 1 year old? Its like a trying to catch a fish out of water. Flip flopping in ever which way, stiff-as-a-board back so you can't get him in to position. He'd do anything to get he crawls way bare bottomed. Sounds fun, uh? Now do this 5 times a day (at least) times 2!
4. Actually leaving the house, kid-less, with no specified time to to be back...having some one play with your hair...More Wine? Ha, Don't mind if I do! Yep, Got to have 2 hours to pamper myself with a hair cut, waxing (of eyebrows) and lots and lots of wine.
5. The much anticipated park opened this week. As we drove by to confirm rumors, all three kids got excited. As the van continues to drive by, I get a very very very upset 1 year old. I pull into the parking lot and the tears suddenly turn into claps and "Wow"s.
6. Arguing with an "almost" 8 year-old (because if I say she's 7, I'm wrong) that her red, white and blue dress does not go with the bright pink and silver striped leggings she thinks she should wear for the first day of school. And then hearing, in the same conversation, that I am too old to know about fashion these day. Nice!
7. Hearing the sweet, shrill voice yell "UP, Momma...Momma UP!" in your sleep...that is until you realized it's not a dream and there is a 2 year old standing beside your bed. This follows with a glance at the clock, only to discover that it's 3.30am. Yawn!
Saturday, August 28, 2010
Wednesday, August 25, 2010
Back to school
The last week as gone by so fast...with a lot jam packed in. We had weddings, school shopping, birthday parties, a bruised knee, play dates and a dislocated shoulder.
We spent the majority of last week getting back into a school routine, which is not easily done with a almost 8 year old. The result: A very hectic first morning of school, complete with fashion lesson. She just wouldn't get up! R., was sent to bed around 9 last night, a half an hour later than last year, but still at least 2 hours earlier than she had been going to bed during vacation. She came stairs at 11.20 because she couldn't sleep and after some negotiations, she was tucked in again by 11.30.

J. and I are both suffering form injuries. I swear we are walking around the house like we are 90 years old. My occurred while walking in the store to get a gift bag for a birthday party, because of course, I forgot to get this when we bought the gift. As it always is, I had my hands full...holding D.'s hand and carrying J.J. We made it through the first set of doors and slipped on the wet floor, twisting my hip/thigh and landing on my knee...all while still keeping hold of J.J.

Of course, As I was consoling myself over my injury, I received a phone call from J. has he was heading back from a mountain bike trip in Pittsburgh. He was complaining that he fell and hurt his shoulder. Now, normally, I take his injury complaints with a grain of salt...he tends to over exaggerate and milk them for all they are worth. But when he got home, I knew right away that his shoulder didn't look right. After a ER visit, it was confirmed that he dislocated his shoulder. So, now I have a husband out of commission (lifting babies is NOT allowed) as I hobble around the house being super mom.
Needless to say, our last week had put us all in quite a funk...and there is now better was to lift the a funk filled house than with a sweet smell of baking. We did ice cream cone cupcakes and the kids helped me with the frosting of course. Though, as an after thought, next time I'm going to give them all away so I don't eat them all!

Then, as we were coming home from my mom's(Pamama), we took a quick detour to see if the playground was finished yet. After 2 months, they finally took the yellow caution tape down and we were allowed to play! We have been anticipation this all summer as very kid friendly. The old one is not baby friendly, though D. does very well. J.J. is just to small. The new one however, is an "all ages" play heaven complete with a train whistle, which is D.'s favorite. J.J. got very upset when he thought we were just driving by and then started clapping when we pulled into the parking lot. We are headed there this morning, and I'm going to try and get some pictures, of what I'm sure will be a daily visit.
And just because they are so darn cute!
We spent the majority of last week getting back into a school routine, which is not easily done with a almost 8 year old. The result: A very hectic first morning of school, complete with fashion lesson. She just wouldn't get up! R., was sent to bed around 9 last night, a half an hour later than last year, but still at least 2 hours earlier than she had been going to bed during vacation. She came stairs at 11.20 because she couldn't sleep and after some negotiations, she was tucked in again by 11.30.

J. and I are both suffering form injuries. I swear we are walking around the house like we are 90 years old. My occurred while walking in the store to get a gift bag for a birthday party, because of course, I forgot to get this when we bought the gift. As it always is, I had my hands full...holding D.'s hand and carrying J.J. We made it through the first set of doors and slipped on the wet floor, twisting my hip/thigh and landing on my knee...all while still keeping hold of J.J.

Of course, As I was consoling myself over my injury, I received a phone call from J. has he was heading back from a mountain bike trip in Pittsburgh. He was complaining that he fell and hurt his shoulder. Now, normally, I take his injury complaints with a grain of salt...he tends to over exaggerate and milk them for all they are worth. But when he got home, I knew right away that his shoulder didn't look right. After a ER visit, it was confirmed that he dislocated his shoulder. So, now I have a husband out of commission (lifting babies is NOT allowed) as I hobble around the house being super mom.
Needless to say, our last week had put us all in quite a funk...and there is now better was to lift the a funk filled house than with a sweet smell of baking. We did ice cream cone cupcakes and the kids helped me with the frosting of course. Though, as an after thought, next time I'm going to give them all away so I don't eat them all!

Then, as we were coming home from my mom's(Pamama), we took a quick detour to see if the playground was finished yet. After 2 months, they finally took the yellow caution tape down and we were allowed to play! We have been anticipation this all summer as very kid friendly. The old one is not baby friendly, though D. does very well. J.J. is just to small. The new one however, is an "all ages" play heaven complete with a train whistle, which is D.'s favorite. J.J. got very upset when he thought we were just driving by and then started clapping when we pulled into the parking lot. We are headed there this morning, and I'm going to try and get some pictures, of what I'm sure will be a daily visit.
And just because they are so darn cute!

Friday, August 13, 2010
Chunky monkey
I was looking at old pictures last night (getting ready print and frame some more recent ones of the kids) and I came across a few of J.J that really shows how much of a chunky monkey he was.

He's really slimmed down since he has been moving and grooving. Yesterday, I walked out of the kitchen to find that he had slid the dining room chair out, climbed on it and was sitting on the table. Oh, boy! He's just getting so big!

He's really slimmed down since he has been moving and grooving. Yesterday, I walked out of the kitchen to find that he had slid the dining room chair out, climbed on it and was sitting on the table. Oh, boy! He's just getting so big!
Tuesday, August 10, 2010
WOW! I can't believe it's almost been two weeks since I posted anything...
Let's see, We had my sister's graduation party here at the house on August 1st, so a lot of prep went into that. I can now consider myself a semi-pro gardener. We did a massive amount of weeding the back yard, and I finally got some flowers in what had been a dirt filled flower bed. I'm hoping to post pictures in the next couple of days.
The party went really well. We had many friends and family to share in the celebrations. We served ribs, my dad's famous macaroni salad (and guess who got the secret recipe?!), and corn on the cob. Some good 'ol picnic food. The biggest hit for the kids was the bounce house, provided courtesy of my sister's boss and R's gymnastics coach!

My birthday was last week too! One of my best friends offered to babysit so that J. and I could go out and do something. We decided to see a movie after we had some cake and ice cream with my parents. We went to see INCEPTION...and if you have not seen it yet, I highly recommend it. It's has the visual effects of the Matrix and an awesome, complex story line. Plus, Leonardo DiCaprio is the main character, and the love I had for him in high school is still strong, not to mention he is an A+ actor.
Speaking of my birthday, my birthday present for J. finally came today (backorder) and I'm so excited. If you read along, you will know I'm a Driod nerd, as my loving brother in law has puts it. This is what J. got me and I couldn't be happier!

We also had a day trip on Friday, but I'm saving the details for the next blog. I hope to get one that later in the week. In addition to a full on terrible two toddler, a attitude filled 7 year old and a teething baby...I'm surprised I'm still kicking!
Let's see, We had my sister's graduation party here at the house on August 1st, so a lot of prep went into that. I can now consider myself a semi-pro gardener. We did a massive amount of weeding the back yard, and I finally got some flowers in what had been a dirt filled flower bed. I'm hoping to post pictures in the next couple of days.
The party went really well. We had many friends and family to share in the celebrations. We served ribs, my dad's famous macaroni salad (and guess who got the secret recipe?!), and corn on the cob. Some good 'ol picnic food. The biggest hit for the kids was the bounce house, provided courtesy of my sister's boss and R's gymnastics coach!

My birthday was last week too! One of my best friends offered to babysit so that J. and I could go out and do something. We decided to see a movie after we had some cake and ice cream with my parents. We went to see INCEPTION...and if you have not seen it yet, I highly recommend it. It's has the visual effects of the Matrix and an awesome, complex story line. Plus, Leonardo DiCaprio is the main character, and the love I had for him in high school is still strong, not to mention he is an A+ actor.
Speaking of my birthday, my birthday present for J. finally came today (backorder) and I'm so excited. If you read along, you will know I'm a Driod nerd, as my loving brother in law has puts it. This is what J. got me and I couldn't be happier!

We also had a day trip on Friday, but I'm saving the details for the next blog. I hope to get one that later in the week. In addition to a full on terrible two toddler, a attitude filled 7 year old and a teething baby...I'm surprised I'm still kicking!
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